Become an SAP Consultant

How long have you been looking for truly fulfilling work?

If you're like me, the answer is probably : too long. As a maintenance technician, team leader, warehouse manager and more, I searched for myself for a long time before finding my vocation...

I have always aspired to :

  • more passion in my career
  • more professional recognition
  • a better salary
  • a better balance between my professional and personal life
  • flexible working hours
  • a presence in a multicultural environment

The revelation came when I discovered that the SAP domain offered exactly what I was looking for. Here are the highlights that convinced me, and may also encourage you to take this path:

SAP recruitment targets

I've condensed the best of what I've learned into 7 lessons

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Who we are :

Photo Profile Michael

Michael Antoine

Photo Profile Pierre

Pierre Balbinot

XiaoXiao Liu

Our results


SAP courses, training content, books or videos - the choice is yours.

+28 500

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Companies that trust us for the training of their employees.

What you will receive

AT THE END OF 7 days.

  • Day 1 : Identify the symptoms: Are you ready for a career change?
    Explore the telltale signs of job fatigue and dissatisfaction, and learn to recognize when it's time to consider a switch to SAP consulting.
  • Day 2 : SAP Consulting: Your key to a new professional life
    Discover the many advantages and opportunities offered by SAP consulting as a means of career transformation and professional fulfillment.
  • Day 3 : The path to SAP consulting : Find your unique path
    Explore a personalized, strategic approach to successfully achieving your goal of becoming an SAP consultant, by identifying your strengths and overcoming obstacles.
  • Day 4 : Don't be alone: The positive impact of a community and a coach
    Find out how the support of a community and a coach can help you stay motivated, overcome challenges and make progress in your transition to SAP consulting.
  • Day 5 : Effective learning : Keys to understanding and retaining
    Explore the different types of learning and discover strategies to maximize your ability to assimilate the knowledge needed to become a competent SAP consultant.
  • Day 6 : Unexpected inspirations: A path to SAP consulting
    Be inspired by unconventional SAP consulting success stories, and discover how unique journeys can lead to rewarding professional success.
  • Day 7 : Taking action: Your complete roadmap to becoming an SAP consultant
    Draw up a detailed, achievable action plan to make your transition to SAP consulting a reality, identifying the key steps you need to take to achieve your professional goals.

What does it cost you?


Either you take advantage of our advice, grow from it and put in place the actions you need to achieve your goals.

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Get our 7 tips for becoming an SAP consultant


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