SAP WM storage section search

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SAP WM storage section search
SAP WM storage section search

First of all, one of the strong points of the SAP Warehouse Management module is the location search strategy. Indeed, whether it is a question of the storage of articles or their collection and consumption, SAP makes it possible to adapt many strategies to the needs. For those of each company, but also for those of each internal sector of the company. So, let's discover how it works through this article SAP WM storage section search.

However, before defining specific strategies, the first step is to set up the search strategy.

There are 3 of them:

So, before we get to the heart of the matter, let me draw your attention to our article that describes the structure of the Warehouse if you don't already know it.

Otherwise, let's attack right after with SAP WM storage section search.

SAP WM storage section search – configuration

First of all, when the storage type is not sufficient to compartmentalize the Warehouse, it is then possible to create subsets within the Storage Type. These are called Storage Sections.

Indeed, if material needs to be placed or removed from storage, SAP needs to be told how to select the material, which fields to search and in which sequence. Thus, it must then begin by determining the storage type. Then, once determined (Storage type search), then you have to find out in which storage section you have to search.

GR storage section search
GR storage section search

To do this, go to customizing :

SPRO : Logistics Exécution / Warehouse Management / Strategies / Activate Storage Section Search
Cust : Storage section search
Cust : Storage section search
storage section search process
Storage section search process

Storage section indicator

Storage section indicator
Storage section indicator

From there, you create a unique metric that allows you to create your own strategy for your specific needs. In fact, you must link this indicator to the selected warehouse and provide a description. Then, on the next page, you will see the importance of this criterion.

Determine search sequence

Storage section search
Storage section search

As a matter of fact, this page precisely defines the strategy on a case-by-case basis. Now, let's look at each column and analyze their utility.

Firstly, in this field, you will indicate for which warehouse this research strategy is implemented.

Secondly, there is the Storage Type. Indeed, the link with the storage is not sufficient when we are at the section level. It is then necessary to specify for which Storage type we carry out the section search.

Then, let's mention that we have just created it. In addition, this indicator allows you to adjust your search strategy and adapt it to your own choices.

Please note that this information is for hazardous materials. In this way, you can identify the product and, according to this class, assign a specific strategy, such as assigning it to a special area.

Finally, like the previous parameter, indicates if and to what degree the product can contaminate the water. Always with the aim of optimizing to the maximum, in these very particular cases, to establish the right strategy.

Next, you will need to create / modify this strategy according to your business needs using the menu :


Storage section check

Storage section check
Storage section check

Lastly, you will have to indicate for which Storage Type the Storage section should be activated.

This information is also found at the Master Data level, in the customization:

SPRO : Logistics Exécution / Warehouse Management / Master Data / Define Storage Type
Storage type definition
Storage type definition

This allows the Storage Section to be included in the stock placement. In addition, using the different parameters, it is possible to tell the system whether it should search for a location in a particular Storage Section, and whether the movement is allowed or not.

In particular, it can also take into account the criteria of hazardous products, such as water pollution of the material.

So, this completes the strategy configuration part at Storage Section level. Now you have to define this setting for each part. To do this, let's go to the data of the item in question.

SAP WM storage section search – assignment

First, in the "Warehouse Management 1" view of the material, we find the "Storage strategies" part.

In this area, the strategy for stock removal and stock placement is inserted.

Accordingly, the storage section indicator created in the previous steps must be entered in this field. This will make it possible to link it with the strategy that has been set up.

MM03 - Storage section indicator
MM03 – Storage section indicator

A concrete example

Let's take this item as an example. We are going to consume this part and want to see how SAP suggests we get it out of the warehouse.

"Warehouse Management 1" view of the article

MM03 - Storage section indicator
MM03 – Storage section indicator

Here we can see the storage section indicator. Note that it is important to also consult the storage type indicator because it will first define in which Storage Type SAP will have to search, before going down a step further, to the section level.

Next, let's go into customizing and look at the strategy in place.

Determine Storage Type Search Sequence

Storage section search picking
Storage section search picking

Thus, it can be seen that, when removing the part, it will be necessary to search for the item in question in the Storage type INB.

Then, when the Storage type is determined, let's look at the strategy at the section level.

Determine Storage Section Search Sequence

There it is indicated that our piece will be searched in section 001.

Storage section search example
Storage section search example

Good Issue

Now, let's do this Good Issue using the MIGO transaction.


TR: Transfer Requirement

Then, once consumed, a Transfer Requirement was created in background to move the part to the right place and rebalance the stock (negative stock).

Tcode LS24
Tcode LS24

TO: Transfer Order

So we can go to this TR and look at what SAP offers us when transforming the Transfer Requirement into a Transfer Order:

tcode LB10
Tcode LB10

In addition, press the Enter key.

Then you can find the Transfer Requirement created during the goods issue. Once found, tick the check box and perform the "Transfer Order in Foreground".

TR open list
TR open list

Having said that, when performing the Transfer Order, we find ourselves in the TO preparation screen:

TO preparation screen
TO preparation screen

In this way, it can be seen that SAP finds stock at a certain location and offers to take this material to fulfill the goods issue.

Transfer order creation
Transfer order creation

Finally, by validating, you return to the previous screen, registering the material found in the "Items" part of the Transfer Order. Then you only have to "Post" to finish the operation and balance the negative stock due to the part withdrawal.

TO creation
TO creation


Through this strategy, SAP can identify the storage section used, after determining the basic storage type. But this step is only the first one.

Therefore, behind each Storage type/section, there is a specific placement and picking strategy.

These include:

  • Stock Placement
  • Fixed Bins
  • Open Storage
  • Addition to existing stock
  • Empty storage Bin
  • Pallets
  • Bulk Storage
  • Near Picking Bin
  • Picking / stock removal
  • FIFO (First In First Out)
  • LIFO (Last In First Out)
  • Partial pallet quantity
  • Large/small quantity
  • Expiration Date
  • Fixed Bin

However, this step is important for the future. This is the starting point of the whole strategy, hence the importance given. Taking the time to prepare and think about your strategies in advance will save you a lot of time and will be a great help to users.

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